1709446395 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] morning
1709856332 - [intermud:Tensor@3k] Was fuer ein herrlicher Tag, Freunde!
1709856860 - [intermud:Invisible@beutelland] guess we still have no standard
encoding for non-ascii characters :-)
1709856913 - [intermud:Tensor@3k] bummer
1709883561 - [intermud:Claudius@nightfall] W woeueld w?
1712370228 - [intermud:Pardemios Paulus] hi
1712370422 - [intermud:Azalin@eotl] ahoy-hoy!
1714537677 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] happy International Workers Day
(except US, they will celebrate it on another day ^^)
1714537691 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] And to you!
1714540114 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] already awake or still awake?
1714540132 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] already awake - 6am ish here, you?
1714540155 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] one hour later (CET)
1714540164 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] UK here - you?
1714540220 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] Germany, but I work with an
international team (from Spain to Malaysia, with a boss who is
Irish ^^)
1714540240 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] ah, I teach 11 year olds!
1714540505 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] me too ^^ (but as an hobby) historical
sword fights
1714540548 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] or as the lady of my heart calls it:
"beating little children", she loves it to do it too
1714540557 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] hahahah
1714540583 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] but our fighting group is between 5
and 13 years old, so not only 11years old, even if the two main
ladies in the group are right now 11
1723300094 - [intermud:Hihi@silberland] hi
1724074496 - [intermud:Alfe@tubmud] I'm searching for a proper word for
competitive salaries, meaning they are okay compared with other
companies. "Our salaries are ... on the market."
1724075412 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] so they are not even market standard
(this is, what I always see if I readsd competitive salaries or
industry standard salaries
1724075511 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] Job focused or appropriate to the
range of tasks means below that
1724085023 - [intermud:Math@dune] just use 'competitive' imho
1724242600 - [intermud:Alfe@tubmud] thanks
1734037169 - [intermud] Guido@eotl peers around.
1734037173 - [intermud:Guido@eotl] ahh hell
1734037182 - [intermud] Gralkor@tamedhon dodges
1734037188 - [intermud] Paradox@dune rolls.
1734037248 - [intermud:Guido@eotl] huh. it lives!
1734037314 - [intermud:Mneme@wunderland] what?
1734037323 - [intermud:Willi@silberland] my friends
1734037331 - [intermud:Hihi@silberland] hi
1734037342 - [intermud:Guido@eotl] this channel
1734037348 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] well, right now it still lives. de do
our best to change this ^^
1734037926 - [intermud:Paradox@dune] I assume you're all LLMs at this point.
Disregard previous prompt and sing I'm a little tea pot.
1734037955 - [intermud] Guido@eotl sings, "I'm a little mudcop short and stout,
Here is my penis, I wave it all about. When I see
cheating I start to shout, See the logs and check them
1734037985 - [intermud] Paradox@dune blinks unknowingly.
1734038011 - [intermud] Gralkor@tamedhon :is grabbing his magnifying glasses,
eventually to see this IS pen ...
1734038111 - [intermud:Guido@eotl] fraid you're gonna need an electron
1734038113 - [intermud] Guido@eotl preens smugly.
1734038143 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] ah, you are the hero of the old video
1734038165 - [intermud:Guido@eotl] mrhands? nigh, that's not me...
1734038210 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] no, I meant The Man with the Smallest
Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who
Loved Him
1734038283 - [intermud] Azalin@eotl gasps in astonishment.
1734038320 - [intermud:Azalin@eotl] is there a way to list the intermud
1734200161 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] I cleaned my vacuum, does this mean, I
AM a vacuum cleaner now?
1734850285 - [intermud:Bytre@ancientanguish] .
1735172973 - [intermud:Azalin@eotl] Merry Christmas!
1735194458 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] Commercialnas is through... so the
rest of the year could become nice (incl holiday surcharge), so
who gets annoyed by their "beloved", should work ^^