1704037207 - [intermud:Zesstra@morgengrauen] yeay. Last I remember, intermud
             requires ASCII.                                                   
1704037237 - [intermud:Zesstra@morgengrauen] Although I would love to have an
             upgrade path to UTF8...                                           
1704037267 - [intermud] Apic@unitopia too.                                     
1704037279 - [intermud] Paradox@dune agrees.                                   
1704037286 - [intermud:Paradox@dune] Intermud needs emoji ;)                   
1704037289 - [intermud:Apic@unitopia] Unicode really pwns epically.            
1704037295 - [intermud:Azalin@eotl] i just reported it to our wizards as a bug
1704037307 - [intermud:Paradox@dune] (and happy new yer!)                      
1704037312 - [intermud:Paradox@dune] Year*                                     
1704037314 - [intermud:Apic@unitopia] Happy new YOLD 3190!                     
1704037317 - [intermud] Paradox@dune bonks himself with a rubber mallet.       
1704037393 - [intermud:Zesstra@morgengrauen] Reminds me of my plans for
             intermud 2.5                                                      
1704040951 - [intermud:Zilch@eotl] Maedchen                                    
1704041757 - [intermud] Zesstra@morgengrauen grumbles.                         
1704041785 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] hey!                               
1704041843 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] hey!                               
1704041853 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] ho?                                   
1704041929 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] how many users online do you guys
1704041930 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] how many users online do you guys
1704041973 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] see you twice but right now most of
             the people celebrate the end of the current year, and I was jsut
             checking if someone is nasty here ^^                              
1704041995 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] are you both Danish muds?          
1704042023 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] no, and thanks for single comment ^^  
1704052158 - [intermud:Invisible@beutelland] Gralkor, be nice :-)              
1704069469 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] I'm so much nicer than a lot of people
1704098156 - [intermud:Gwenshara@silberland] happy 2024!                       
1707861395 - [intermud] Theokrates@unitopia weiss das leider auch nicht.       
1709386497 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] hello                              
1709386520 - [intermud] Gralkor@tamedhon listens carefully                     
1709386553 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] hi :)chat                          
1709386573 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] how many people do you have playing
             on your mud?                                                      
1709386586 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] online at the moment?              
1709446395 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] morning                            
1709856332 - [intermud:Tensor@3k] Was fuer ein herrlicher Tag, Freunde!        
1709856860 - [intermud:Invisible@beutelland] guess we still have no standard
             encoding for non-ascii characters :-)                             
1709856913 - [intermud:Tensor@3k] bummer                                       
1709883561 - [intermud:Claudius@nightfall] W woeueld w?                        
1712370228 - [intermud:Pardemios Paulus] hi                                    
1712370422 - [intermud:Azalin@eotl] ahoy-hoy!                                  
1714537677 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] happy International Workers Day
             (except US, they will celebrate it on another day ^^)             
1714537691 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] And to you!                        
1714540114 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] already awake or still awake?         
1714540132 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] already awake - 6am ish here, you? 
1714540155 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] one hour later (CET)                  
1714540164 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] UK here - you?                     
1714540220 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] Germany, but I work with an
             international team (from Spain to Malaysia, with a boss who is
             Irish ^^)                                                         
1714540240 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] ah, I teach 11 year olds!          
1714540505 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] me too ^^ (but as an hobby) historical
             sword fights                                                      
1714540548 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] or as the lady of my heart calls it:
             "beating little children", she loves it to do it too              
1714540557 - [intermud:Laggy@deepertrouble] hahahah                            
1714540583 - [intermud:Gralkor@tamedhon] but our fighting group is between 5
             and 13 years old, so not only 11years old, even if the two main
             ladies in the group are right now 11                              